About us

About- billnetmk.com

launched on 14th Feb 2025 billnetmk.com, Welcome to billnetmkmk.com your go-to destination for insightful, reliable, and actionable content on the stock market Technology commodities, and cryptocurrency founded by Manish Kumar this platform is designed to empower investors traders, and tech enthusiasts with the knowledge and tools they need to navigate The ever-evolving financial and technology landscapes.

My name is Manish Kumar and I am from Patna, a small town in Bihar. I have done B.Com. I started my first social media with freelance. Even today I keep sharing my first experience with my team members. After this, I worked in Google Blogger which I started for blogging on February 15/2/2024. Today I am the owner of billnetmk.com, a Hindi / English blogging site and I have tried to give knowledge through my blog and I get happiness from the fact that I have done something good for the country, my efforts are continuing towards success.

writers and bloggers create billnetmk.com. The main purpose of our platform is to provide information to the reader as quickly as possible. To work on this platform, our writers and writers work together day and night so that information can be delivered to the people as soon as possible. The main objective of billnetmk.com is to create a loyal base of readers who watch online news on the web and mobile. We deliver national, international, user interest information to the people. We provide many types of information here, such as fast and accurate, covering the stock market, finance, personal investment, crypto market, gadgets, etc. We are committed to making billnetmk.com.

While planning this website, all the owners and authors were very clear about why this billnetmk.com website was created. The purpose of billnetmk.com is to provide users with information that helps them in their daily lives,

We work on many types of categories on our website such as.

  • stock market
  • commodity
  • Investment
  • personal finance
  • New IPO
  • cryptocurrency
  • technology
  • gadget smartphone, smartwatch

My vision

Our vision is to provide information to people as soon as possible through this platform, which can help people a lot and make their work easier. We try to deliver the information to you as soon as possible. All of you are welcome on our platform.

Our team is our game changer, they make us who we are. We are a group of intelligent and diverse people who are passionate about serving users with true and accurate information. We are looking to expand our team, if you want to join us then mail us at manish823514@gmail.com

  • manish kumar
  • Shravan Kumar
  • Suraj Singh

for contact us: manish823514@gmail.com